Month: October 2014

What’s up at WhatsApp?

Not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself in such a tight and busy schedule, with no time for anything at all. Hopefully this will change real soon.

So meanwhile, I thought I would share something that I already share with many of my friends, by means of my WhatsApp status. I think I would be the one who abuses the space the most, by using it for a wide range of things, including a personal diary, remainder, place for posting random obfuscated thoughts wandering through my mind, new titles for my posts, terrible jokes, pathetic cryptic clues ,and what not.So I thought I would share it here.


Maybe this would be a better audience for all those anecdotes.
I am posting ALL most of my Whatsapp statuses, sorted – oldest first.


An open letter to rain.

Dear Rain,
Just like so many other people in my life, you have no idea about your significance in my life. For you, I am just an other guy, but for me you are more than just that, you are more than just an occasional visitor, more than just, the once best friend who now, calls you only on your birthday.But you are not special because I love you, not  because I hate you either, but instead because I can not decide my stance.
