Growing up

Quest for zest

At ** years of age, it may seem a bit prudent of me to be writing about stuff I may be too young to  understand, for when I look at younger people, most of them are immediately discounted off as being ‘too young’.  What then is the right age to wake up to the surroundings and take your stance on it, sans any dents from all the external agents. In the end, it is pretty simple, you are as young as you want to be, or perhaps, you are as old as you want to be.But isn’t age but a number? It sure is, and it has only stuck because it’s really convenient as a standard.

We only live to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.


All these chains

Aah chains… all those Gold and blitz and riches adorned by women and men alike…
We might adorn them all right, but I am not quite talking about these chains.Chains rule us in ways most of don’t realize, in fact we are bound by them.

It is indeed a grim but hardened reality that we are bound by the chains of geography, chains of locality and the chains of time, and seemingly there is little we can do about it.


An open letter to rain.

Dear Rain,
Just like so many other people in my life, you have no idea about your significance in my life. For you, I am just an other guy, but for me you are more than just that, you are more than just an occasional visitor, more than just, the once best friend who now, calls you only on your birthday.But you are not special because I love you, not  because I hate you either, but instead because I can not decide my stance.


An ode to Wikipedia

It’s really amazing when you think about the advances made by the human race; just in the past few decades and in the past centuries.A very important reason for this advancement is the ability to share information; that is share the information you acquired to your fellow humans so that collective learning takes place. In case of other animals all the information it acquires during a life time is lost when it dies. That is, there is no scheme by which information is passed on through the generations. This is where communication and sharing of information comes into play.

All the information obtained by all the other human beings can effectively be learnt by you in today’s world.


Close to a hundred billion people have lived on the face of this planet, and all the facts and ideas we have was learnt by someone, somewhere, at some point in time.

This is how we differ from other animals; the information acquired by the animal is lost when it dies. So the only way most species can evolve, to become smarter is by trusting their luck to random genetic mutation. If a favourable ‘mistake’ in the gene happens, the species learn to keep the ‘mistake’ and hence, in a way passing on some information to future generations.

All this just goes on to show how important storing and sharing the information you acquire is of prime importance; just gathering information does not suffice.[1]

Now, just imagine for a second that there is a place where, you store all the information relating anything for free access by anyone at any time. Well, you can stop imagining and head over to

I owe a lot of what I am today to this single place on the internet, Wikipedia.


The music of growing up.

Change is inevitable, the sooner one realizes that, the sooner he starts to appreciate change.

It has been about two decades since I landed here on earth and growing up is something everyone has to; people relate to a lot of things over the years, and so do I. The things that I thought were eternal? Well… turned out to be otherwise; the only true eternal entity is change, and it can be seen everywhere around us.

Music has been a great part of my life, and I think it helps me understand myself better. However, the term “Music” itself is very broad and does not convey the hidden implications of the journey one goes through when he listens to some good Music.

It all started when I was around 3-4 years, cognition had started to kick in and I started to wonder as to why listening to some particular songs put me to sleep, while others didn’t. I remember vividly asking my granny and mom about the same, and none of them had any answers.
And, thus began a long journey into a realm, which to date, never ceases to amaze me; music!
